System description.

Below you will find a detailed overview of the possible uses of our learning and knowledge management system. The modules can each be booked individually and, in addition to unlimited application options, offer user-friendly and intuitive operation. Let yourself be inspired!

The advantages of our LMS

Module LMS


  • Manage all accounts

  • Create / delete users

  • Set users active / inactive

  • Assign users to groups

  • Notify users / Notify own group members

  • View / manage user documents

  • Manage dashboard widgets

  • Manage permits

  • Create / delete groups

  • Manage coupons

  • Manage cost centers

  • Manage organizational structures

  • Manage room booking

  • Manage roles

  • Create / delete polls

  • View poll results

  • Request / approve trainings

  • Create / delete trainers

  • Assign trainers to face-to-face events

  • Edit visibility status of account independent courses for individual accounts

  • Designate the person responsible for questions and support requests

Learning management

  • Create / delete / assign account independent courses in the standard account

  • Create / delete local courses

  • Assign / unassign courses to users

  • Create / delete / correct tests / add tests to courses

  • Add / manage test questions in the question pool

  • Create / delete / assign / unassign learning paths

  • Delete learning progress

  • Create / delete certificates / assign certificates to courses & face-to-face events

  • Create / delete tasks / assign tasks to users

  • Manage learning kewywords

  • Create / delete news

  • Create / delete face-to-face events

  • Assign / unassign face-to-face events

  • Change the participation status of face-to-face events

  • Create / delete qualifications / assign qualifications to users

  • Define course repetition (days / weeks / months / years)

    a) Define course availability before expiry (days / weeks / months / years)

    b) Select the time of the extension (first exam date / month end of the first exam date / last exam date / month end of the last exam date)

    c) Define maximum number of course repetitions

  • Define fixed course expiration date

  • Set Drip Feed (time-controlled activation of individual course content).

Statistics and reports

  • View activity stream

  • View automatic reports

  • View learning progress related to users

  • View learning progress related to groups

  • View learning progress related to courses

  • Show training courses in the training calendar

  • View test statistics related to users

  • View test statistics related to groups

  • View knowledge entry logs

Module KMS

Knowledge management

  • Create / display / release / edit knowledge entries / create versions / set to checked / call up preview and version overview

  • Assign knowledge items  to users with roles

  • Create repeat cycles for QM inspection dates for knowledge entries

  • View / create / edit discussions

  • Discussions can be assigned to users with roles as well as categories

  • Mark a discussion answer as best (incl. creating / editing / deleting answers & comments)

  • Ask questions to the person responsible

  • Knowledge entries that are being edited can be assigned to categories

  • Archive / delete / permanently delete knowledge management content

  • Create / structure / delete categories / assign to groups

  • Search for keywords


Vouchers can be made available in the system, with the help of which training courses can be assigned to trainees.


The system has various interfaces to communicate with other management systems.

Media pool

Files of various formats can be saved in the system via drag & drop and used for administrative purposes.

Training catalogue

This feature allows you to make all courses available and let users decide which ones to take.