Complex requirements?

No problem!

eLearning courses. 

For one or for all.

With our WBT we train topics and activities of complex work environments and their special challenges. Not only is the compliance with legal regulations a matter for us, but also the fun of training. Available 24/7 - 365 days a year.

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Aviation courses Dangerous Goods courses

Learning management.

With an LMS tailored to your needs, you can organize your employees, training courses and certificates. This gives you a fully automated overview of the current state of affairs. And not only that.

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Blended Learning.

The best learning concepts are created in partnership and with a clear focus on the learners. We understand your conceptual challenges and know our capabilities and limits.

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Online academy.

Would you like to place your eLearnings, seminars or webinars on the market? With the help of our online academy, you have fully automated control of registrations, participants, billing and certificates.

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eCC training.

For industries that require a lot of revision, we recommend our Instructional System Designer / eContent Curator training course. Standardization ensures that we always speak the same language when creating courses and that we can henceforth work together on your projects.

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