Our concept.

It is our most important concern to provide our customers with exactly the product that they want from us. For this reason, we understand eLearning holistically and do not start producing without proper coordination.


App based WBT management

With the help of our "Courses App" we specify the properties of new topics and plan our production, revisions and quality controls. We also link each learning objective to the associated regulation so that we can keep the content up-to-date as they change.

  • Course administration

  • Tool to specify course properties

  • Production planning

  • Linking regulations and learning objectives

  • Revision planning

  • Versioning

  • Quality Checks

Instructional System Design

The ISD concept (ADDIE) adapted for our purposes has been scientifically proven and allows us to produce highly standardized courses and learning experiences that ultimately meet predefined requirements in terms of methodology, learning depth and the resulting qualification. Measurable and transparent.

  • Standardized

  • Process-accompanying reporting & feedback tools ensure quality

  • Plannability and measurability ensure stable delivery dates

  • Includes not just a SCORM file, but a symbiotic learning experience of WBT and LMS

  • Format-independent, supports interfaces to blended learning partners

Compliance / Documentation

The documentation that accompanies the courses and the possibilities of our learning management system correspond to international standards and are constantly being expanded in the interests of our customers. Thanks to existing interfaces, certificates can be easily integrated into other management systems.

  • Syllabus (learning goal management)

  • Test results & Statistics

  • Revision and version tracking

  • Certificates including period of validity

  • Data protection according to GDPR

All activities in our company are subject to the principles of ISO 9001:2005.

If you want to know why sustainable knowledge transfer doesn't stop with your employees, read more about our efforts on the subject sustainability.

For more information about what drives our business development, see our vision.