Online academy.

Would you like everything from a single source? And are you interested in setting up an online academy for digital training, seminars and webinars? 

We offer you the right infrastructure and will be happy to advise you.

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eCommerce for your trainings.

No matter what type of training you want to sell online - the integrated event organization enables our online academy to bring participants together with any type of event.

B2B and B2C. 

Booking and event management.

With just a few clicks, your WBTs, seminars and webinars are no longer exclusively available internally, but you place your offer on the Internet with a fully automated booking and event process.

Mail and certificate delivery included.

Integrated billing.

Thanks to intelligent interfaces between the LMS and the booking platform, the training courses you sell online are automatically billed to your customers. Of course, you always have an overview of your bookkeeping.